Please help me
Posted: 17 September 2011 03:41 AM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2011-09-17

As I am writing this I am probably moving to Spain in about 1.5 months…. (end of Oct)

If any of you would be so kind to help me find my way that would be wonderful.

I have been living in the UK for about 10 years but I am originally from Scandinavia.

I would really like help with:
- what areas are nice to live in? I don’t need centre, in fact I probably prefer outskirts. I like safe and nice areas. About 10-15 min drive from the centre would be ideal. Would be useful to be living in Este or San Pablo (think that is the area next to Este). Anyway, I have heard mixed reports about Este… Please help. I am looking for an apartment which comes with a pool, otherwise this viking will probably melt come March!
- What things to consider when renting an apartment?
- moving there? Companies, vans etc. What is the most affordable options out there..?

- What are the best things about Sevilla in your opinion?

Looking forward to hearing from you someone, or two.. 😊

