Cost of living in Barcelona
Posted: 22 September 2011 01:00 PM  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2011-09-22

Firstly, apologies as I expect a similar post has been done before but I can’t find it so hence a new one.  Hubby and I may move to Barcelona if I can find some answers from some very knowledgeable expats.  It is possible for 2 adults to live reasonably comfortable on Euros 19,200 per annum rising to Euro 2400 in about 12-18 months time?  Both amounts are nett.  Bearing in mind to deduct is rental, electricity, gas, telephone, petrol etc.  Not quite sure what the monthly outgoings would be but would say, Euro 800 cover all utility costs with the rest to be used for food, etc, and a quietish lifestyle?  Also, I am having problems trying to find an apartment and I am looking at in the district of St. Cugat del Valles.  Would anyone know of any agents or websites which I could look at.  I know of one website link but there are no properties in that area.  I would really like to thank everyone who responds in advance.

Posted: 22 September 2011 08:53 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2011-09-22

Thanks so much for your reply.  We are in a bit of a conundrum at the moment as we are absolutely ignorant to the cost of living in Spain, whether to rent or buy etc., etc.  Since my original posting I have read in other forums that some people manage on Euros 10,000 per annum.  I suspect that must be outside of any major cities and you need to own your own home.  I was looking in this particular area mentioned in my earlier posting due to a job application I had made and the area was recommended.

Posted: 22 September 2011 08:55 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2011-09-22

Apologies!  Forgot to mention that medical insurance cover would come via the UK.  Both of us are Brits living currently in Germany.

Posted: 22 September 2011 10:57 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2011-09-22

I would like to thank you for being so helpful!  I can see from your signature that it might be worthwhile in contacting you direct?

Posted: 26 September 2011 03:31 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2011-09-26


My partner and I currently live in Barcelona on roughly the same buget as yourselves. We manage OK, rent etc can be quite expensive but we generally dont have any problems. I would advise you to choose where you live in the city very carefully as the cost of living from one neighbourhood to the other can vary greatly, obviously the closer to the ‘centre’ the more expensive it is. Take your time and have a look.
I would also consider where you will be working. I work in San Cugat and commute daily from Barcelona. The transport links are good but at times it does become a little irritating and tiring to make the commute.
best of luck

Posted: 01 December 2011 06:46 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2011-12-01

Hi all,

I came across a post and was wondering if anybody could tell me if prices have changed a lot?

The link is

Thanks in advance,


Posted: 01 December 2011 11:28 PM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15

Prices sound about right except for Tobacco and Fuel both of which cost rather more.

Diesel is around 1.35? / litre and Premium type cigarettes.g. Superkings / Marlboro 100’s are around 43.50 per 200 carton.

Rather more than the UAE I guess…



Help desperately needed

Posted: 03 December 2011 12:09 PM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2011-12-01

Thanks for your response! It’s a good thing I don’t smoke and make use of public transport…

It’s about 15 euro for a full tank of gas here in Dubai, like a Nissan Tida, and cigarettes I wouldn’t know.

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