Recommendations for mobile 9-12 month contract?
Posted: 12 October 2011 04:08 PM  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2011-05-28

Hi there!

I just moved to spain and the prepaid phone prices are killing me. I’d like to switch to a contract which lasts
anywhere from 6-12months (9 months would be perfect).

I do have a NIE so I am trying to find a good contract. So far I am with Vodafone and I like them but I was considering Orange as well.

I do have a phone but ideally I’d like to go get a Samsung Galaxy II with a minutes and data plan. Do any of you know if such contracts are available? I’ve been trying to understand the spanish sites (jsut learning spanish) and all I can find is the 24 month option….

Thank you!!
