Applying for an NIE in the UK
Posted: 01 December 2011 10:48 PM  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Hi, I have found out our daughter can apply for her NIE in London (to save her having to come over twice.)....
Apparently it takes about 1 - 3 months (as it is then sent to Madrid etc.)

Has any one tried this?
Any problems?
or did it go smoothly?

She is going to be buying a property and needs it solely for this purpose.

(We would be happy to see her here, but as it takes 10 days min for the paper to be ready, then she has lawyers etc to deal with too, and she is limited on holidays due to job, we thought this might be a solution for her.)

Thanks if any one knows!

Posted: 02 December 2011 07:10 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Just to follow up on above ... (see also post regarding ‘NIE in 24hrs?”)...

We are looking into a Spanish Notary in London for everything.

Will let you know how it goes 😉

Posted: 07 December 2011 07:02 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Just found out that:

It now only takes 5 days for certificate to be ready from day of appliction locally.

So back to plan A!

Posted: 25 February 2012 11:55 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Daughter came for a weeks holiday.
Went to Police Station on Mon am (with appropriate forms already filled out/fee paid)
Given a number to come back after 1200hrs.
Went back, many earlier appointments had not turned up, so straight to front of que.
Sat down for 5 mins with assistant who checked the forms, stamped it, given receipt, told to come back on Thursday.
Went back on Thursday, que’d for a very short while in the Extranjeros ‘Recojas’ desk.
Picked up cert.

All done!  Hurrah! 

+ we got to have QT with daughter….

Posted: 15 March 2012 09:06 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2012-03-15

Hi Susan,

Could you write a bit more about it. We are planning to go to Aragon this easter for a week to look at some land (we want to build) and get some of the formalities done like the NIE and the non-resident certificate to open a bank account.

Did you get that form in advance? How difficult is it to fill-in for someone with a very basic Spanish?

Did you manage to find a good Spanish Notary in London?

I wrote an email today to the Spanish Consulate in London asking if they can assist us with getting NIE over here, no reply yet.

I will appreciate any advice.

Best wishes.

Posted: 16 March 2012 01:41 AM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  265
Joined  2011-09-10

Hello.  I have found Cheeswrights (Notaries Public) in London to give an excellent service. 

Their page is:

I used to deal there with a Mr. Luis Hyde.

Spanish & Portuguese Department
This department deals with powers of attorney and other formal documentation for execution by individuals or companies for use in Spain, Portugal and Latin America, and subsequently organises apostilles or consular legalisation as appropriate. The department also arranges notarially certified translations of legal documentation from and into Spanish and Portuguese.


Linsey Bilham ? Spanish on .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Luis Hyde ? Spanish and Portuguese on .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

They will prepare documents in Spanish too, and an English version thereof.  Very efficient in every way.

Best wishes to everyone
