Not necessarily in order but this is what you need to do;
Take passports and rental agreement to local town hall; this should be all you need to get on the padron. Some regions may ask for a copy of residencia documentation, but where we live it wasn’t necessary.
The S1 form has nothing whatsoever to do with Residencia applications; that form is to register with the Spanish Social Services so that you can register with the local doctors surgery. Take the form(s), passports, and a copy of your padron cert to the local Social services office. The Town hall will be able to tell you where your nearest office is located. You will be given a Social Services number; take this number to your local ‘centro de salud’ (Health Centre) and they will register you with a Doctor.
No such thing as a non resident NIE; Download Form EX18 four times… two for you two for O.H. Take the completed forms to your nearest ‘Officina de Extranjeros’ at the National Police Office (not Guardia Civil!), you will also need copies of your passports and maybe passport size / style photos. These days they use the same form for both NIE Applications and Residencia Applications so you can kill two birds with one stone.
Link to download form…
Link to some useful advice on what to do with the completed EX18 forms…
So suggestion would be
1) Obtain Residencia / NIE cert.
2) Register with Social services,
3) Padron.
If, heaven forbid you need medical attention before you have registered with a Doctor, use your EHIC Card (formerly E111). If you don’t have one I would suggest you contact the EHIC office of the NHS… link below… In theory, because you have moved away from your UK address for more than three months you are supposed to let the NHS know; your names will be removed from your your UK Health Centre records office and your records will be removed to safe storage. You will need an EHIC Card if you wish to use any UK medical services. EHIC Cards can only be sent to a UK address so if you have ‘burned your bridges’ you will need a UK contact address.
https://www.ehic.org.uk/Internet/home.do or telephone 0044 191 212 7500.
Hope this helps…