Car dealers
Posted: 09 January 2012 05:20 PM  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  12
Joined  2010-08-21

Does any one know of or has used any reliabe car 2nd hand car dealers in the Malaga/Granada area?

Posted: 10 January 2012 12:59 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15

Back in 2006 I bought my second hand car from granadautos. They are located on the A92G via de servicio just off the A44 Granada ring ring road at km125 heading out of Granada. Precise location shown on the map referenced below., S.A ANDALUCIA 18014 GRANADA GRANADA&lat=37.1979904174805&lon=-3.63862037658691&proy=GRANADA&local=GRANADA&prov=GRANADA&mode=N&pnomb=GRANADAUTO, S.A&ptelf=958203514&pdest=

Dont know if their sales methods have altered at all in the meantime but they will handle all of the transfer documentation.

For dealings with this retailer you will need your NIE, a copy of your padron cert. and your passport and drivers licence.

Once you decide which car you are interested in you pay them a holding deposit which is non returnable if you back out.
Then you pay a 10% deposit whilst they do the transfer work. During the intervening period, you must obtain insurance for the vehicle and present the insurance certificate when you finally collect the car. At this point you pay the balance of the purchase price. They will not let you drive the vehicle away without having seen the ins cert.

They normally include a limited liability repair insurance for 6 months.

The guys that work there do not speak English so you should either be able to speak spanish to some extent or take someone with you who does.

In my case the entire process took just over a week.

Hope this helps a little.



Help desperately needed
