Just got NIE after 4 years, travel problems????
Posted: 03 February 2012 02:36 PM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2012-01-21

I’m an American and I just got my NIE through the Pareja de Hecho (not a difficult process, but lots of running around!!) but before that I have been in Spain undocumented for 4 years…. now I can travel and resided here legally, I’m worried about problems travelling to the States in back..even though I’m now will I get a hassle for having been here so long before that (I have very very expired tourist visa) 

Any info would be a great help…and anybody needing some info about the whole Pareja de Hecho process, I’ve got it more or lessed figured out


Posted: 03 February 2012 05:06 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  56
Joined  2011-07-28

Congrats for being legal!!! I doubt that it?ll be an issue. When I was getting my paperwork for marriage, I read something that said there are no problems to get married even if one of the couple is illegal. Afterall, they did grant you the permission, so I doubt that it will be retrospective.

Edit: Just one thing, when you go to other EU countries (more particularly the UK since they have border control) or flying in from non-EU countries, make sure you have both your passport and the updated non-expired NIE. They will ask if you have visa, etc., but since you?re now legal in Spain, I doubt that they?ll comment on the 4 year gap.

Posted: 03 February 2012 11:38 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2012-01-21

Thanks for the quick reply! I’ve heard more or less the same from few friends, but it’s always good to ask!
