Spain Exposed
Posted: 19 March 2012 07:45 PM  
Total Posts:  744
Joined  2009-01-22

I have been writing articles about many different aspects of living in Spain for some years now - so in response to some friends who said it would be a good idea I have now published many of them along with some other stuff in a Kindle eBook which I have called Spain Exposed. It is available for a token fee (1,98) and it is available from all Amazon sites under the Kindle Store part of the Amazon sites.

This from the Product Description:
“We all search for something in life. In 2000 my search brought me to Spain. I was looking for a different life style away from cold gloomy UK and my corporate life.
I was happy to trade down. Relax, live in the sun and see what happened.
Well after 12 years a lot has happened. Some planned, but mostly unplanned. I owned my own company, found love, travelled and started to write, feeling the need to share this country with others. My work appears in magazines, web sites and the odd anthology. I have a network of friends, old and young, British, Spanish and many other flavours. Some writers, painters and a few others make up the mix.
Most of the following pieces have appeared elsewhere as either blog posts, articles plus some short fiction - now I have consolidated them into Spain Exposed. An anthology if you like.
Amongst the content you will discover a range of topics, issues and Expat life stuff. All linked by their common thread of having created inspiration for me to put the metaphorical pen to paper.
They appear in some sort of order (it?s the librarian in me) and are intended to entertain and inform. Who knows - they might even help your life’s search. “

Remember you don’t have to own a Kindle to read eBooks, they can be read on many other devices ie laptops etc.


