selling a car in spain
Posted: 06 April 2012 02:36 PM  
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2009-08-16

Can anyone tell me what I have to do in paperwork if I sell my Spanish reg car privately.  How much does it cost too.

Posted: 06 April 2012 04:43 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15


“Cambio de titularidad  
Si has vendido o has comprado un veh?culo ya matriculado, recuerda que debes efectuar el cambio de titularidad del veh?culo en el Registro de la Direcci?n General de Tr?fico. En los pr?ximos pasos te explicaremos como debes actuar y que tr?mites debes hacer.
Si vendes tu veh?culo recuerda siempre los siguientes consejos:
a) Nunca entregues el veh?culo sin tener en tus manos el contrato de compraventa o una fotocopia del mismo (si es entre particulares) o factura (si lo entregas a un compraventa) y una fotocopia del documento de identidad en Espa?a del comprador (DNI/Tarjeta de Residencia, si son personas f?sicas, o CIF, si son empresas). Si es un compraventa, deber? constar el CIF en la factura. Es importante indicar en el contrato la hora y minutos en que entregas el veh?culo: recuerda que las multas de los radares fijos y por no haber pasado la ITV te seguir?n llegando en tanto no se produzca en el Registro de Veh?culos el cambio de titularidad.
b) Indica al comprador que antes de 15 d?as te remita copia del permiso de circulaci?n donde conste que el veh?culo ya est? a su nombre .Si no has recibido este documento en el plazo de 15 d?as, dir?gete a la Jefatura de Tr?fico para comunicar que has vendido el veh?culo (tr?mite de notificaci?n de venta).
Si has comprado un veh?culo, debes inscribir ?ste a tu nombre en el Registro de Veh?culos de la Direcci?n General de Tr?fico.
a) Si has adquirido el veh?culo en un compraventa, es ?ste el que normalmente se encargar? de efectuar la gesti?n, haci?ndote entrega de la Tarjeta de Inspecci?n T?cnica del Veh?culo y del permiso de circulaci?n ya a tu nombre.
b) Si has adquirido el veh?culo a un particular, recuerda que debes quedarte con el contrato de compraventa o una fotocopia del mismo, una fotocopia del documento de identidad del vendedor, la solicitud de cambio de titularidad del veh?culo firmada por comprador y vendedor, y la documentaci?n del veh?culo (Tarjeta ITV, permiso de circulaci?n y recibo del impuesto municipal pagado correspondiente al a?o anterior al tr?mite), (tr?mite de transmisi?n del veh?culo).
A continuaci?n debes efectuar los siguientes pasos:
1.- Abonar el impuesto de transmisiones patrimoniales (modelo 620) ante Hacienda de tu Comunidad Aut?noma, aportando toda la documentaci?n anterior. Este tr?mite puedes efectuarlo por Internet si tu domicilio fiscal se encuentra en Andaluc?a, Arag?n, Asturias, Castilla y Le?n, Catalu?a, Illes Balears, Madrid y Murcia. En este caso obtendr?s un C?digo Electr?nico de Transferencias (CET) que te servir? para acreditar que has cumplido tu obligaci?n fiscal.
2.- Dir?gete a cualquiera de estas tres Jefaturas de Tr?fico: la de tu domicilio, la del domicilio del vendedor o la de la provincia de matriculaci?n del veh?culo.
3.- Abonar las tasas y aportar toda la documentaci?n necesaria para efectuar el tr?mite (nota informativa de la documentaci?n).”

Translation courtesy Google…

If you have sold or bought a vehicle registered, remember to make the change in ownership of the vehicle in the Register of the General Directorate of Traffic. In the next steps will explain how you act and paperwork to do.
If you sell your vehicle always remember the following tips:
a) Never give your vehicle without having your hands in the purchase agreement or a photocopy (if private) or invoice (if you give it to a sale) and a photocopy of the identity of the buyer in Spain (ID / Resident Card, if individuals, or CIF, if firms). If a sale shall contain the VAT on the invoice. It is important to indicate in the contract the hour and minute you give the vehicle: remember that fines of fixed speed cameras and have not passed the ITV will continue to arrive at Pending Registry of Motor Vehicles in the change of ownership.
b) Tell the buyer within 15 days you send a copy of the registration certificate stating that the vehicle is already in your name. If you have not received this document within 15 days, go to the Traffic Department to report that have sold the vehicle (notice of sale processing).
If you purchased a vehicle, you must register it in your name in the Register of Vehicles Traffic Department.
a) If you purchased the vehicle in a transaction, it is this which is normally responsible for carrying out the management, making delivery of the Technical Inspection Card and vehicle registration certificate and your name.
b) If you bought the vehicle from a private, remember to stay with the contract of sale or a photocopy of a photocopy of the identity of the seller, the application for change of ownership of the vehicle signed by buyer and seller, and documentation of the vehicle (ITV card, registration certificate and receipt of municipal tax paid the previous year to process) (process of transmission of the vehicle).
Then you must perform the following steps:
A. - Pay the transfer tax (model 620) to finance your Autonomous Community, including all the above documentation. This procedure can efectuarlo online if your tax home is in Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Castile-Leon, Catalonia, Balearic Islands, Madrid and Murcia. In this case you will get a code Electronic Transfers (CET) which will serve to prove that you have fulfilled your tax obligation.
2. - Go to any of these three Traffic Headquarters: that of your domicile, the domicile of the seller or the province of registration of the vehicle.
3. - To pay the fees and provide all documentation necessary for prosecution (note the documentation).

See website for copies of documentation required.



Help desperately needed

Posted: 06 April 2012 08:21 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2009-08-16

Many thanks, very helpfull,
