Hello everyone 😊 I am a Non-EU citizen living in Saudi Arabia and married to a Spanish Citizen. I understand that to get the citizenship I need to hold a residency for 1 year then 2 more years after that to get the passport. I also understand that I can live up to 6 months out of Spain without losing said residency.
My dilemma here is that with the Spanish Economy being what it is currently, the prospects of living and finding work in Spain is not great and I do have a good paying Job in KSA. It is however important for me and my family that I get the citizenship. Therefore my question is it possible to:
1. Get a Spanish residency without giving up the Saudi one?
2. Does one year of residency mean continuous living in Spain or can I go every couple of months for a week to keep it alive?
3. Do I still qualify for the citizenship if point 2 is possible?
4. Any advice on how to proceed without losing my residency and Job in KSA but still qualify for the citizenship?