The viking retiring to live in Spain
Posted: 23 August 2014 04:37 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2014-08-23

Hello everyone. I don’t know if this is a forum aimed at people from UK who are moving to Spain, but..
I am a 29 year old guy from Norway. I’m half swedish and and I have a pension that will let me live abroad my home country.
The reason for my incapacity is not important here, but my income is dependable and now its time for me to relax in the mediterra?eo!
I was here the first time last winter, to check out places I’d like to live, registering NIE etc.. Everything went just fine. This time I actually travelled by car. Cerca 3000 km of driving with my stepfather who is spanish. It was an incredible exciting journey, visiting Denmark, Germany, France, Luxemburg and finaly Spain.
Now I live in Alicante, my favorite place in Costa Blanca. But there will be much time for exploring this beautiful country.
Are there anyone from this forum living in Alicante? I am starting to learn spanish, but yet its a little dificult to communicate with everyone.. But it makes things a bit more interesting 😊
