Hi Sean,
I suppose you need a visa because you will stay longer than 90 days. Unlike the U.S. where entries and exits from U.S. territories are strictly recorded, I doubt if the same happens here in Spain. If you are carrying a passport from a Schengen State then you should have no problem entering Spain, as long as you enter with a two-way ticket.
Last year, a friend of mine from the U.S., who was doing a summer arabic course in Tunisia, flew to Barcelona from Tunis via Air Europa(?). Imagine my surprise when he informed me in the arrivals lounge that none of the passengers on this direct flight from an Arab country were asked for their passports or visas, etc. Apparently, they got off the plane, walked to the luggage pickup area, and walked out… nobody asked anyone anything. This means that the Spanish authorities that night trusted the judgment of the personnel at the Tunis airport who checked passports and visas.
Food for thought.
Panjabigator - 13 September 2007 08:21 PM
Dear all,
I can’t begin to tell you stressful getting a visa for Spain is! I was issued a weak letter from my institution in Spain and because of that they wouldn’t let me submit my paper work at the Spanish consulate. I am suppose to be in Spain from Sept 24 to mid Feb (approx 5 months) and I wanted to know how I can travel to Spain without a visa.
Could I just go till December, go to Portugal for a day, and then come back? Is it that simple? And if this OK, what do I tell Spain that I’m doing when I get to Spain? I certainly can’t say that I’m a student because I’d need a visa for this, correct?
I could really use some help me….I’f I don’t leave son I’ll be 3-4 weeks late for my program!
Un saludo!!