Hi we are moving to spain in 18 months !!
Posted: 03 November 2007 11:56 PM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2007-11-01

Hi just found this sight and have been hiding in the wings while I soak up all this great info, hope to be posting and joining in more as the weeks roll on . I have one question at the mo, I am told that i am destined to have a new heart valve fitted in the next 10 years or so, at the moment i have a check up evry 9 monthl to keep an eye on the valve deteriation. My question is will I still be able to fly back to the UK and be eligable for NHS even though I will be living in Spain and paying spanish taxes. I will probably keep my stamp payments up.

Thanks in advance for any info shared.

Tony 😊

Posted: 04 November 2007 02:32 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  38
Joined  2007-07-31

Hi Tony if you have been paying NI in uk all this time, when you go to spain you should be covered for around 2 years.  And why go back to UK for a check up, you will be eligable for one in spain. Just ask for copies of your files from your doctor and when you come over get you NIE number and reg with a local health clinic. My mum inlaw had a big op a year or more back in spain said the hospitals in were second to none kind regards.

Posted: 05 November 2007 09:27 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2007-11-01

Nice one thanks for that..
