visa question ex is Spanish
Posted: 30 November 2007 07:34 AM  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2007-11-30

I was wondering if someone could help me out.  I’m American and I’m trying to figure out the best and quickest way to go about moving to Spain.  My ex-wife is a Spanish citizen who is currently living in the states.  I just found out recently that in Spain we are still legally married.  So I was wondering if I’d be able to go over there just with my passport and then apply for residency or a work permit/visa.  Would that be easier than trying another route? And would she need to be involved in the process?  By their records we have been married for the last 8yrs. I don’t know if that matters over there or not in the states it makes a big difference.  I plan on trying to start or buy a restaurant or bar so I need to be legal over there.  Thanks.


Posted: 05 December 2007 12:42 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2007-12-05

As an American you can travel to Spain under the Visa Waiver Program which allows you to be in the country for 90 days as a tourist, however residency and work permit are a whole different story.

If you use your marriage to a Spanish citizen to become a legal resident, she WILL have to be involved in the process, including personal interviews and proof that you are living together in marriage. I would say it’s pretty much out of the question since you have divorced her.

I’m sorry I cannot give you any more specific advice.


Posted: 05 December 2007 05:22 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2007-11-30

Thanks for the info, I’ve talked with her and came to the same conclusion.  She thinks that since our son has duel citizenship, I could use that.  I have a feeling it won’t work either, but need to call the embassy and ask.  Thanks again for the help.

