Posted: 04 December 2007 01:36 AM  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  28
Joined  2007-07-14

Hi I am hoping to find anyone who lives in Nerja who can advise on state schools and how to get the kids enrolled.
We were hoping to move before Xmas but it will now be mid Jan.  We are looking to rent for 3 or 4 weeks whilst we do the running around etc and then hope to find a long term rental property.  My main concern is getting the kids into school (almost 11 year old and 13 year old).  There is no option to put them into private school as that would eat up our funds too quickly, so the option is a Spanish school with extra Spanish lessons.  Do I need medical records,  school reports from the UK etc.  Please if anyone has this knowledge can you let me know.
Much appreciated.


