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Hola from Granada
Posted: 15 May 2009 07:55 PM   [ # 16 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  18
Joined  2008-07-20

Does anyone on here actually live in or close to Montefrio ????  Love to hear from you…..

Posted: 16 May 2009 12:21 AM   [ # 17 ]  
Total Posts:  46
Joined  2007-06-01

Hiya,  think we live a bit too far from you in Monachil, sort of south-east-ish of you, but very close to Granada City!  Have you been in Montefrio very long?  Hope you?re enjoying the whole experience!  Hasta luego!

Posted: 16 May 2009 07:37 PM   [ # 18 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  18
Joined  2008-07-20

Well aligran, sorry to disappoint but I’ve never stepped foot in the place. Not yet anyway. I’ve spent nearly 2 years trying to decide where to go to start a life in Spain and while a typical Spanish village was the original long term goal, the idea of living within an ex-pat community or in a coastal ‘resort’ puts me off enough to want to go straight in at the deep end so to speak.  There are other considerations I have keep in mind too such as employment which I may have to continue on a part-time basis here in the UK for a while at least until I’ve settled in somewhat. So reasonable access to an airport (i.e Granada) is essential. How I came upon Montefrio I don’t know. I was just browsing on the web a few days ago and then today, I popped into my local library and there right in front of me was a Spain guide book with a picture of Montefrio on the cover. Some sort of omen???

I intend to come over within the next month or so to take a look. My Spanish is weak and probably totally incoherent in a place like Montefrio so I was really just hoping to find someone who could help me out with a bit of inside info etc.

Still, I’d be interested to to hear how you guys are getting on as I suspect a lot of the villages within the area are run on similar lines.  Thanks for replying.

Posted: 16 May 2009 08:33 PM   [ # 19 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

will keep us posted how you getting on in your move please , nice hear form people making the move over here , will help lot out
as in your spanish , it will improve as you go along , live and work in spanish environment and all the spanish want to chat to me in English .... god if could only ask for euro ever time , think i be 300 euros up aweek on my wages ... the supermaket queues are fun when coming to them as the staff want me to chat to them in english ...  you fine loacl bar and then know you in spain ..... the kids are alwas looking to chat to from young to teenages , have been know to help out the cops around here aswell .... that helps ...

Posted: 01 June 2009 03:09 AM   [ # 20 ]  
Total Posts:  235
Joined  2007-04-25

I’m not too far away from Montefrio and live near to Huetor Tajar, the aparagus capital of the known universe! 😉

The surrounding area is very rural, so should suit that aspect of your reasons for looking to move here, but you’re not too far from everything as the road network is fine and being improved heavily at the moment.

Are you looking to find employment when you move here permanently, if so, what are your skills? Obviously the language is an advantage, but is something I’ve learned and improved on during the time I’ve been here. In rural areas you’re bound to integrate more if you want to. I’ve just spent a pleasant afternoon fixing my Spanish neighbours roof in return for some of their fine paella. They’re lovelly people and every weekend we all get together.

I’m by no means fluent in the language I might add, but understand and speak well enough to hold a conversation.

I did a little work at aligran’s house a while back whilst working for someone else and will be shortly fitting another kitchen over Monachil way.  I’ve had my own business for the last two years now and have been one of the fortunates who have had plenty to keep me busy throughout the “economic crisis”. Might have to nip around for a coffee 😉

It’s well worth a trip over to Monachil to see Los Cahorras gorge. A wonderful place to see some spectacular scenery and nature.

Anyway, if there’s anything in particular you need to know, feel free to ask.


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“Dedicated to making your Spanish house a home”

Posted: 01 June 2009 04:07 PM   [ # 21 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  18
Joined  2008-07-20

Hi Heath 1974 (I guess that’s your birthdate!),

Thanks for the info. I don’t know what I’m going to do workwise. Skills are in IT (business analyst) but that’s the last thing I want to do. Will probably have to keep my job here in London and commute for a while at least - far from ideal, I know. Just working 3 days would pay me enough to commute and live in 2 places at once. Playing music, painting and taking photgraphs are what I would love to do. Probably more chance of doing one of those in one of the resorts preying on tourists. I’m so bored with my job I’d rather stick labels on jars all day (or fit kitchens). I used to be an electrician many moons ago.

I have booked a trip for 3rd week in June and basing myself in Alhama de Granada because it seemed a good central option and I’ll spend some time there plus hire a car for a few days and get out and about. Everybody on this forum living in the are seems more than happy. I know a few people on the costas who can’t get away quick enough.

Be happy to pop in for a cup of tea during my ‘rounds’.  There’s no better recommendation than that of personal experience.

Thanks again for all the advice and support.

Posted: 01 June 2009 04:23 PM   [ # 22 ]  
Total Posts:  46
Joined  2007-06-01

Hi again,

I?ll just double the invitation as done by Heath, if you fancy popping over to Monachil you are more than welcome to stop by, I think for something a little stronger than tea though!! and perhaps a jam session with my hubby, guitar fiend!

Hope you have a brilliant and productive time.

All the best and maybe see you soon.

Tata for now

Posted: 02 June 2009 03:53 AM   [ # 23 ]  
Total Posts:  235
Joined  2007-04-25

I think that’s a pretty astute observation there geetarman… seems most of us (in this forum at least) who live inland seem more content overall.


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“Dedicated to making your Spanish house a home”

Posted: 19 June 2009 02:46 AM   [ # 24 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  18
Joined  2008-07-20

Hi Aligran . . .  well its almost time for my visit.  Flying out tomorrow. I’m staying in alhama de granada and have meetings arranged with a couple of estate agents there just to get a feel for what you get for your money. Doesn’t necessarily mean that’s where I’ll end up, just seemed a good base for touring around. That coffee or something stronger sounds great and the guitar jam even better. Can you drop me a private message with an address and I’ll do my best to find you whilst on my travels. If I miss you tomorrow, I’ll find an internet cafe somewhere and check up next week. All the best and hopefully see you guys soon.

Posted: 26 June 2009 02:08 PM   [ # 25 ]  
Total Posts:  46
Joined  2007-06-01

Hi there Joanne(?)

If you need any info, help, anything, just yell.  Sure there are few of us in the Granada province that will help.  Is there any particular area that you?re interested in??  we live in Monachil about 15 mins from Granada city.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Posted: 27 June 2009 07:49 PM   [ # 26 ]  
Total Posts:  235
Joined  2007-04-25

Hi joangracoffande & welcome to the forums.

To echo aligran, need any help or advice, particularly about locations within Granada province, you have only but to ask. 😊

I get to travel around much of Granada & Jaen provinces with my work and know many locals and expats in different areas, so can provide useful feedback on different locations.


Visit our website - http://www.granadapropertyreform.com

“Dedicated to making your Spanish house a home”

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