Build Legally in Matarrana!! Please read this!
Posted: 27 September 2006 01:53 PM  
Total Posts:  31
Joined  2006-09-27

Hi Everyone,

Because of the very strict building regulations in Catalunya, and reading some horror stories about families going to court about building and renovating properties, many people are now looking just across the border and into Matarrana, which is part of the province of Aragon.
The area is stunningly beautiful, steeped in history, architecture and culture, yet still less than an hour from the Costa Dorada. There are many small traditional Spanish villages, surrounded by rivers and mountains. Generally speaking, the prices of land are much cheaper, as it is yet, relatively undiscovered.
People from Barcelona and Tarragona are buying land to build holiday and weekend homes, and the beauty of it, is that it is all totally legal.

Take a look at this website    then just scroll down on the guestbook page to read letters from people who have already been to the area.

