Moving and looking for work
Posted: 01 January 2008 07:21 PM  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2008-01-01

Could anyone please advise the best course of action for looking and obtaining a job in Spain.  Me and my family move in early 08 and although my partner is a qualified electrician and tiler and also able to do general labouring and DIY, I have no qualifications (apart from school exams :roll: ).  We both need to find jobs and were hpoing to do this before we actually move as we do have a young family.

Any advise on places to look we would be very grateful, my partner would be looking to stay in with what he is qualified to do (hopefully) however me on the other hand Im very flexible and will try my hand at most things (as long as its english speaking as only know a little spanish).  I currently work in an english call centre from 6pm till midnight is there anything like this avaiable that people know off???

We are moving to the Mar Menor area of Spain.

All advise, suggestions gratfeully appreciated.


