Help with Autonomo Visa please
Posted: 16 January 2008 04:26 PM  
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2008-01-16


Im an Australian citizen working in London, and I want to move to Spain to work for a year (or mabye more).

Ive heard that an Autonomo visa is the easiest way to go.

I dont need a visa for the first 90 days there as a tourist.

Does anyone know:

1. What are the steps to Autonomo?

2. What types of work can I carry out? I want to go there and work under an Autonomo visa in a sales role. Sort of like on a freelance basis.

3. Will most companies take me on this basis?

4. What do I have to have to get the visa? I.e. 3000 euros in the bank.. is there anything else?

5. As long as I pay my social security, (by the way - is it 155 Euros or 235 per month does anyone know??? I am 28 years old.)
and have an accountant pay all my taxes is this all I need to work?

6. Does anyone have any more information on this type of visa??

Sorry for the long-winded questions, however any help anyone could give me on this would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks loads,

