YOUNG FAMILY..Builder,bank clerk/nail tech 3 & 10 year old wish to move HELP!!
Posted: 28 January 2008 02:45 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2008-01-28

My mum returned from living in benidorm last year(god knows why).While she was there the thought crossed our minds regarding moving but never amounted to anything.

Well now we are itching to go,we will rent our house here and rent in spain as a start.My partner is 27 and is a bricklayer and i work for a high street building society part time(i am 30 ;-( and am also at college studying business studies,manicure & pedicure and acrylic nails (my fall back job for spain lol).

I am sorry if i waffle on but i have lot’s of questions and hope nobody mind’s if i rattle them of on here…all answers are appreciated!
1.What part of spain is best job wise for my partner…we have no idea where to start!
2.School wise is it easy to get boys in…
3.We would like to live in a community of english and spanish and want this to be the last move for the boy’s…
4.Renting…how do we find out about rentals from england?
5.Am i able to put the boys name down for school while i am in the uk

Thank you any help will be wonderful my email is…............................................. bexterkat @ hotmail . co . uk

Also if anyone knows of any building,bank or nail tech job’s please email
A happy goodbye xXx

Posted: 31 January 2008 05:21 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  308
Joined  2007-02-25


So, your mother moves back to UK and you move to Spain! Right.

Most of us waffle on when we start to look at this “wonderful” idea of moving to Spain or any other country. There are so many questions, with very few answers. I don’t know when you intend to go, but the first thing to do is to start and learn Spanish, now, NOT in 6 months time or when you finally move, but NOW. Without it you will find it difficult to get any meaningful work, that pays any sort of good money. When you consider the average wage is about 14K per year, yes the cost of living is much lower than in the UK.

1. What is the best part of Spain. What is the best part of any country, it depends who you ask. What do you want from life in Spain, do you drive as public transport is not as good as the UK, bus services are not that common in the country area’s and not much better in the towns, so that is something to consider. Research is the most important factor, do lots of it, buy a map, put it on the wall and then stick a pin in it and research that area, if it does not sound good, cross it out and move on to another place.

Cost of property for rental will be a factor, close to the beach high price, out in the country lower price, consider transport, schools, you have young children so consider doctors and hospitals, my experience tells me you will need both of these until they leave home.

Getting the children to school will be an important point, but there will be a requirement to have residency before you can get them into school, so you have to have a place to live.

English community with Spanish. We are involved in the Southern Costa Blanca and centre on a village called Algorfa, which is just what you ask for, but there are many other villages and small towns in this area that would meet the criteria.

Renting from England is quite easy if you know the area. It would be best to select the area that you fancy, then go out and visit the place you like, the internet will give you the option of renting a place short term whilst you look around and say yes or no to an area, if it is no, move on to another place on your next visit. The research could take months or even years before you get just what you want, you say this is the last move for the children, so you have to get it right.

If we can be of any further assistance, do contact us on .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Cheers and good luck



Posted: 04 February 2008 03:24 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  303
Joined  2006-03-16

It’s only when you drive around in Spain that you realise just how big it is - about twice the size of the UK with only two-thirds of the population, but with most of the people concentrated into very crowded cities and coastal strips.  These days you can find a mixed Spanish and ex-pat population almost anywhere on the Med coast, but the character is very different from one place to another - some communities are quite young and others are like nursing homes, for example.  Before you do anything you should wander about and see as many places as you can. For most of the year, it’s not hard to book into inexpensive hotels at the last minute, so just drive and explore.  As for building work, the slow-down in the market and the crack downs on over development are making a big impact, but the situation varies enormously between different autonomous communities, provinces and towns. You will need to research very carefully because there are still pockets of development, but they are fewer and further between than in recent years. You must learn Spanish too if you don’t know some already; if you don’t, you’ll be limiting your opportunities very badly.


Martin, Scotland and the Alpujarra.
