Can you recommend a language school?
Posted: 29 January 2008 02:03 PM  
Total Posts:  303
Joined  2006-03-16

My wife and I both speak Spanish but as mine is better and I’m a typical chap, I kind of do all the talking.  For Annie to get some practice without me hogging the conversation, she wants to stay for a week or so in July without me and attend a language school in Granada or Malaga, probably the former.  Does anybody have any recommendations?  She is at an intemediate-to-good level but needs practice and confidence, and she’d like a bit of fun outside classes but doesn’t really want to be surrounded by kids or retired people (she’s in her late forties, but rarely acts it). Objective opinions would be welcome.

Another more general question; is there a professional association of Spanish language schools in Spain that imposes standards?  Should we be looking for a school that’s a member of such an organisation?


Martin, Scotland and the Alpujarra.

Posted: 30 January 2008 02:34 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  112
Joined  2007-07-04

Have you checked out Las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas.  For example :

Posted: 05 February 2008 02:24 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  112
Joined  2007-07-04

You could start by clicking on the button that says “Englsih”.
