Full of question for my moving. Please help to clarify
Posted: 26 February 2008 10:30 AM  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2008-01-15

I am moving to Barcelona from Canada in April and got a few questions and hope can be clarified in here.
I am renting a furnished place but electricity, phone, cable, internet is all on my own.

When I land with my wife (Italian) we will have to start the paperwork for the “Certificado de Registro Como Residente Comunitario” (EX16) and NIE. I know this will take a few weeks but I need electricity, phone, internet etc… How the request for those services work? Please give a little details if you know.

Will I need an NIE for that or passport and my Canadian creditcard will be just fine? What do I need to get electricity and other basic utilities changed to my name?

What about a contract cellphone (with monthly bills) ?

I would really appreciate any help as this is getting me very worried.


Posted: 26 February 2008 12:04 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2008-01-15

I have been doing some Internet search on the subject and found a good site with the answer. Instead of removing the topic I believe is best to share the information.


