Childcare issues…need some assistance
Posted: 09 March 2008 10:44 PM  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  25
Joined  2008-03-04

Hi everyone!

Me and my partner Luke have decided that we want to move to Spain, having three children and needing to work there is ofcourse the issue of childcare to consider. After searching for ages on Google I decided it was probably a better idea to ask the pro’s.
I’m full of questions and can’t seem to get the right answers lol, so here we go:

1. Nanny vs Creche, what would you lot recommend?

2. Estimation of cost per week per child for both of the above?

3. What’s the deal with Au pairs over there, obv with us being English the au pair isn’t going to gain the Spanish that they would through living with Spanish residents, would this be an issue? 

4. Do the Spanish have the equivalent to an English childminder?

5. What qualifications are people in these positions expected to hold?

6. Do I have to go through an agency for a nanny and will there be the dreaded ‘finders fees’? These are like 800 quid over here!
7. What can I expect from my childcare provider?

8. Do the Spanish have an equivalent to a CRB check?

There, think I’m done 😊 if anyone thinks of anything else I might need to be aware of I’d appreciate any suggestions.
Thanks in advance for any responses received.

Emma and Luke


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Posted: 10 March 2008 05:17 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2007-11-23

Hi Emma,

I live in a tiny village so it may be more expensive in a larger town.

My youngest daughter went to the Guardaria (nursery) which is subsidised by the town hall, the cost was 75? per month the hours are Spainish hours though.  9am - 1pm and then 3.30pm - 7pm.

The children start school very early in Spain so my daughter attended the Guardaria for a yesr then at the age of 3 years she started school.  Note the school ages are calculated from Jan to Dec so if your child is 3 in Dec he will start school in Sept aged only 2 years.

As the school my children go to opens Spanish hours I have a childminder for the long afternoon break she charges me for two children 4? an hour but that is quite cheap so you would probably pay more.

Hope this helps

Posted: 26 March 2008 11:51 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2008-03-26

I go with nanny care. A nanny is someone experienced and/or qualified in child care. All nannies are not created equal, however, nannies are employed by parents to care for their children in the family home, and they will be suitable for parents who need flexible childcare. Many nannies are mainly motivated by love the struggle for power usually does not exist between mother and nanny.

Posted: 17 July 2008 02:14 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  115
Joined  2008-04-10

Try this Spanish website  Local nannies advertise their services and prices.  Also includes a bit of background and languages spoken.  I found two wonderful nannies through it.


A word is dead when it is said, some say.  I say it just begins to live that day.
-Emily Dickinson

Posted: 17 August 2008 06:27 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  24
Joined  2007-02-25

A childminder in England has to have certificates and ofsted checks. Does Spain have the same sort of system. I was thinking of doing childminding when i moved to Spain as a way of being around for my 2 children while they settled into Spanish life, They are 14 and 7. I am not a qualified childminder but have a teaching assistant certificate and have worked in a primary school and run a toddler group once a week. I have also been a mothers help/nanny for 2 boys and more recently a nanny for 2 other boys before they started school and was no longer needed.
