San Sebastian
Posted: 11 July 2006 07:10 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2006-07-11

Hello guys,

I might be moving to San Sebastian in the near future and i was hoping that I could get some advice on accom.

1) How much for a reasonable 2 bed apart
2) Wheres a good place (not expensive) to live in SS
3) Web sites of any rental agencies etc

Any of the above info would be great

cheers in advance

Posted: 16 July 2006 04:19 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

Hey Ugly (no offense),
Without living in San Sebastian myself, perhaps I can offer some advice for finding the information otherwise. Of course if anyone else who IS living in San Sebastian can pipe up with some better answers, please do!!

How much for a reasonable 2 bed apart

Probably about the same as one in Barcelona or Madrid, minus 10-20%. I’ve heard SS is pretty expensive all around however. In fact, in the summer it could be more than either of those cities, but the rest of the year a bit less. Check out and search for “alquilar” “viviendas” “guip?zcoa” (the province) or “donostia” (the word for San Sebastian in Euskera/Basque). Also check out

Wheres a good place (not expensive) to live in SS

I tried digging up some info here but without success. It would appear that the city is small enough that anywhere in the center of the city will be just fine though.

Web sites of any rental agencies etc

Besides the above, try and

Good luck, and if you dig up anything yourself it’d be great to hear from you again with it!here


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