Moving to spain this year
Posted: 01 April 2008 05:52 PM  
Total Posts:  10
Joined  2008-04-01

We are looking into moving to spain later this year but would like suggestions from people about the best place to settle as myself, my partner and my 21yr old son will all have to work and dont speak spanish, although we hope to be able to by the time we move.

I would also like information about long term letting property furnished as we will be selling our personal belongings and just bringing the bare essentials and our cars.

Posted: 02 April 2008 01:25 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Just Landed
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Joined  2008-03-23
Tammie - 01 April 2008 05:52 PM

We are looking into moving to spain later this year but would like suggestions from people about the best place to settle as myself, my partner and my 21yr old son will all have to work and dont speak spanish, although we hope to be able to by the time we move.

I would also like information about long term letting property furnished as we will be selling our personal belongings and just bringing the bare essentials and our cars.

Hi, would just like to say welcome! We are looking into the costa blanca area but as yet unsure of the exact area, but people on here are very helpful so someone will be along soon to help.  I wish i was as brave as you to just go for it as i yearn for the move, but without spanish i belive it is difficult to get work. as for rentals there seems to be alot of good deals as i have been enquiring, the rents seem to be around 600 euros for a three bedroom but i suppose it depends on the area. Have you been there before? as i haven’t so taking a trip in september and staying in the murcia area which i believe has cheaper properties and a good mix of ex pats, good luck with everything you do and hope one day it will be me!!!!  Donna x

Posted: 02 April 2008 02:28 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  10
Joined  2008-04-01

Hi Donna
Thank you for ur kinds words,, yes i have been to spain before but it was some years ago before i had children. We are now learning to speak spanish, fingers crossed lol, i hope you have a wonderful time when you visit Spain in September and hopefully find your dreamplace to live.
At our ages and with with nothing more England can offer us we decided we would rather if possible live our lives in the sunshine even if it gets tough at times and you never know what anything is going to be like till you try it, we can always come home to the rain and miserble faces if we have too (hopefully NOT).

Let me know how you get on, best of luck Tammie xx

Posted: 09 April 2008 08:05 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  166
Joined  2007-07-25

Hola Tammie

Welcome to the forum. I live in the province of Malaga - we just recently moved from the Coast to the area of Monda, Co?n, Alhaurin el Grande - the country 😊

The Costa del Sol is a vibrant and busy area - although Spain seems to be slowing down somewhat at the moment (the property market anyway), we lived on the coast for 10 years and enjoyed every minute, although over the years we have tired of the hustle and bustle and decided to move inland.

Live here can get tough if you are out of work as you can’t just go for hand outs, no-one here will help you (much like the UK!), however, Spain will make you a strong person and once settled you will enjoy your way of life, it is a far cry from the cultural lifestyles of the UK - I personally, love living here and like everything the Spanish stand for.

All the best on your research for the area you want to live.

I think you should ask yourself a series of questions to help you determine what you want from your move; such as

Do you need full/part time work
Do you need to be near public transport
Do you drive
Do you need to be near schools for children
If so, can they speak any Spanish, will they a miss a year from school just because they cannot understand the language
Are you in a rush (the Spanish generally are not LOL!) to get things done, Spain may annoy you for the ma?ana syndrome!



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Posted: 10 April 2008 09:44 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  10
Joined  2008-04-01

Hi Fruity

Looking at your questions the only one we need to consider is having fulltime jobs, we both drive so transport wont be an issue,  we dont have young children to consider so as long as work is fulfilled we can pretty much go anywhere (joys of having grown up kids) lol.

Having work and being able to speak the language are my only concerns i feel if we can do both there wont be any reason we cant achieve our goal but as i keep reading over and over again (do your research)  with the help of the kind people on here we will be able to do this, know what documents we need, know the process for bringing our cars with us and chances of finding a good paid job and accommodation.


Posted: 10 April 2008 10:20 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  166
Joined  2007-07-25

Hi Tammie

I have been here 10 years and although I can speak the lingo and understand - I am far from fluent but I have never struggled to get a job. There are many English companies here where you are not required to speak Spanish, however, being fluent eventually will open up your opportunities with regards to work.

We now run our own business and have done for 2 years, been a struggle but we get there 😊

When I first got here I did everything from cleaning to bar work to being an administrator - all you need is drive and determination and it sounds like you have plenty!

I would say that your best chance to come would be the summer as there are more jobs available during that time, however, that is mainly bar work/hotels that I am referring to there, finding accommodation will certainly be easier when the summer has past us by!

Hasta Pronto!


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