Posted: 11 April 2008 10:37 AM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2008-01-12

Hi all
Has anyone any advice as i am in a mess with my british registered RAV4. We moved here in November 08 with the dog, car etc. After the legal 90 days cover of my AA insurance ran out i insured the car with spanish company. Then got padron in January and Residencia as we needed these to work as nurses in spain legally. The british car Tax ran out end of April so I went for advice at an english gestor? in Mazarron where i live and the local garage. I was advised to have the car headlights changed 2 new tyers and ITV would cost approx 800euros +.  Also to go to the british consulate in Alicante for baja consular which would mean i was expempt from paying import tax, i duly drove to Alicante yesterday and was told that you only have 60days from bringing the car in to spain to be exempt from paying the import duty, (i dont now how much this would cost on a 2002 registered car) Anyway the big question is that my british mot runs out on the 18th April thus i desperatly need to do something fast. Also my partner has decided to return to UK and taken the money to pay off the HP on the car which is ?6500 so at the moment idon’t even own the car. The gestor said her fee for paper work would be 350 euros + so at the moment i am up to a cost of about 1350 euros plus the 6500 to pay off car. Which i don’t have. Should i just count my losses and get someone to drive it back to the uk. Toyota say its worth about ?4500. But once in uk the perosn driving it will have no road tax on it or mot unless it’s this week.
Sorry to go on it’s a complicated mess and i have been worrying all night what to do.

Posted: 12 April 2008 01:01 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  156
Joined  2007-06-11

Based on economics, IE ?6500 debt vs value of ?4500 is a loss of ?2500 (3250?)which you will still have to pay off and you wont have vehicle to drive around as well, perhaps the 1300? fees are not so bad after all. Plus to drive it back to the Uk will cost in excess of 500? all in.

It also sounds like you have a couple of worn tyres which need replacing anyway!! so that should be deducted from the overall bill for transfer costing purposes.



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