Spanish School
Posted: 16 April 2008 01:50 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2008-04-16

Hi everyone,

I am new here, havent really looked round properly yet but hoping I have posted in the right place.

My fiance and I are very keen on moving to Spain (Alicante/Torrevieja/Cabo Roig area). We have two young children (aged 7 and 2)

I know this is a very wide subject and unfortunately I dont know enough about it to be more specific but I was looking for opinions on Spanish schools. We are hoping to move as soon as we can while the children are still young and hopefully could adapt a little easier.

Our son is very advanced at Primary school (in many areas particularly literacy and numeracy) and I dont want that to get lost in another education system.

Sorry I am very new to this and probably havent explained myself very well But any opinion would be most appreciated.


Posted: 16 June 2008 08:32 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2008-06-16

Your kids are so young that they’ll adapt readily. Your smart boy - well, he’s smart, so he’ll do well in most any situation. Would you worry less if he weren’t so bright?
