Silly question - weather in Benidorm last week!
Posted: 24 April 2008 12:27 AM  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2007-09-03

I know this may seem like a very strange request, but can anybody tell me what the weather was like in Benidorm from 18th to 21st April (2008)?

We live in Mollina which is about an hour inland from Malaga in southern Spain.  This last weekend was absolutely horrific weather.  The rain lashed, poured and hammered down with gale force winds, along with thunder and lighting through Saturday and Sunday.

The reason I ask about the weather in Benidorm is because my sister-in-law was in Benidorm for the dates mentioned, and being known to “stretch” the truth on occasions (usually to breaking point!) she told us that she had beautiful weather and has gone back to the UK “ever so brown!”.  :coolhmm:

I meant to check the weather over the weekend, but I forgot, and I would love to catch her in a great whopping lie, unless, of course, the moon had been turned into green cheese over the weekend, and she is actually correct!  🐛

Many thanks in advance to anyone who actually answers this!  :coolsmile:


Posted: 25 April 2008 03:52 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

was looking back on the charts for the Computer system we have up there Benidorm yes it was t the best but was bite better then what you had ....

weekend there from freind told me “woke up to RAIN Then the strong winds started and now it’s stopped raining but is blowing a gale Waiting to see if it picks up later”  so mail her for last weeks weather and i come backto you

Posted: 25 April 2008 02:48 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2007-09-03

Many thanks Jurdy, sounds interesting already!  Can’t wait for the extra info 😛
