Looking for work/ somewhere to live!
Posted: 30 April 2008 07:24 PM  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2008-04-30

Hi im a 25 year old english guy looking to move out to Spain as things here have got into a bit of a rut!. Im looking for any full time work doing hostel, bar, admin, call centre work as Ive had alot of different jobs in these areas but also looking to try something new. I currently dont speak Spanish which I know is a massive disadvantage but I am really wanting to learn it in a school over there. Ive been to quite a few different places in Spain when I went backpacking a couple of years ago and absoutley loved the place. Looking around it looks like there is no jobs going especially if you dont speak Spanish but I thought id give it a try anyway. So if anyone knows of anything I would be very gratefull and I can send a cv and photo if you want them,



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