The coastal law says that if your property is built on sand it could be declared inside the public domain and automatically you lose ownership even if the property was built legally and built before 1988 when the law came into force. It does not matter if it is more than 100 meters from the sea even, the definition of the coastal public domain is draconian.
You do not get any monetary compensation only a concession to continue living there until you die. You cannot sell as it no longer belongs to you.
I suggest that no one should buy property within 500 meters of the sea unless they get a statement from the environment ministry in Spain saying that they are not going to include the property inside the public domain.
Take this warning seriously, we have lost ownership of our house and there are an ever increasing number of people affected by this law.
There is now a group called the ?Plataforma National de Afectados de la Ley de Costas?
who are trying to oppose the abusive application of this law.
They are looking for people who have been affected by this law especially British people so we can continue exposing this scandal in the British press and apply pressure on the Spanish government via our MEP`s in Brussels.
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