Relocating abroad
Posted: 23 May 2008 09:51 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2008-05-23

Hi all, I’ll start by offering my apologies as to my ignorance.. I know very little about moving to spain or anywhere else for that matter.

Im looking to relocate abroad and the spain area looks to be a likely destination.  I would be looking for work in the entertainment industry i.e. DJ, singer, guitarist, karaoke etc. or just about anything really.  But I’m not really sure how the situation is with jobs in this industry.  I would first of all need to move to an area that has a high tourist turnover - for the work obviously - but are these jobs common?  or are they highly sought after? in high demand?  or what?  I have experience working as a DJ/karaoke host already and I’ve sung/played guitar in bands.

I have very little financial support (in the UK or wherever I go) and I’d really need to find some income ASAP.

Can anyone offer me some advice on this?  Ideally I’d need a rough idea of how much I could expect to pay for short term accomodation until I become settled.  I’ll need some ideas on the kind of area that would be suitable - I’ve been suggested gran canaria or benidorm.  I’m not bilingual but I have a little knowledge of the spanish language.  I’d be keen to make it a priority to learn more though.

At the moment I dont have a bank account in the UK, would this pose a problem for me?

Any information that can be offered would be greatly appreciated.

It’s always been my dream to live/work abroad doing this kind of work and since a long term relationship has recently ended, I would like to be selfish for once and do something for myself.


Posted: 29 May 2008 09:48 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  308
Joined  2007-02-25

If you have no ties, then why not just go and give it a try, if you are good at what you do, then you will always get work. Benidorm is the big British holiday place which works all year, so go out and try it, if it does not work out, then you can always go back home. Rent will cost you about 300 Euro per month for a single persons place that may not be to posh, but you never know.

If you think you are good, give it a try, go knock doors, you will not find anything stood at home, the summer season is coming,never mind the language, you will get by in the english bars.



Posted: 29 May 2008 10:12 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

well you fine it all here in the home page , here the link
then if you not sure then com back to the FORUM and ask us here , we try to help out as much as we can , again there good team here that give there time for free to help new expats to make the move to spain , so if there something you see we have not coverd , tell us and we put it in , from moving,  bank accounts,  NIE no.s, bring cars pets , wifes kids and so on ( hahaha )

clueless you apologies as to youry ignorance.. , that why your here so we let that one go , canaria or benidorm. Cannaria is low pay and long hours and only at M- mas and summer time think are Quit there , man land would be better and good pay
but the job you do is late and long hours and lot people are at it , every on thinks there a dj here , give me two now cds and i make few euros . Only think that will help you here is you have DJ/karaoke host already and I?ve sung/played guitar in bands.

get you arss out here now and start knocking on doors the Tourist Season just kicking in now

bank account in the UK would help to move money to from spain
any more give me a shot and fill you in
