Lawyers fees - house purchase - Buyer to pay
Posted: 23 June 2008 03:17 PM  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2008-02-12

Have completed house purchase in Murcia and trying to get receipt from lawyer for the various fees, taxes etc. He has emailed a breakdown with the expected categories of Transfer tax, Land registry and Notary fees, legal fees. No problem. However, also included is a 3% Rentention (based on the declared value) and, to me, huge bank charges over 700 Euros on on a total transfer of 159K Euros.

Can anyone suggest what the 3% Retention could be? It is the same figure that was withheld from the seller for CGT but why would I have to pay this. No mortgage is involved. Lawyer not responding to written questions, wanting a meeting to discuss these charges. I would like to have some answers before meeting again.

Bank charges. Are these normal?


Posted: 24 June 2008 01:55 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2008-02-12

Thank you Spanishlawyer for your reply. 

Forgive for being obtuse but why did the SELLER deposit the same figure to offset CGT with the Tax authorities during the signing at the Notary?  I really do not understand why this has to be paid twice?  I have never heard of this during my research, my lawyer did not mention it during the pre sale discussions, it is not mentioned in the company’s brochure and no one I have spoken to about can understand it either.  Your own website says that it is the SELLER’s responsibility to pay CGT.  Since when has it been a requirement of the buyer?  I am sure that you will understand my frustration as no mention this deduction has ever been made previous to the sudden appearance in an email with no further explanation.

Again, has any one else had to pay this 3% rentention as a BUYER?

Posted: 24 June 2008 05:00 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  760
Joined  2006-06-27

I think you are getting confused:

The 3% retention is taken from the buyers money for purchasing your property - which is in effect your money but you dont get the 3% balance until the your tax due has been calculated - then you received the balance of your money.


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