Dont know if this is in the right place but will post here and see what happens…
I Have run into a bit of a problem.
I bought my Renault Megane Scenic two years ago from a reputable dealer in Granada. It came with a fresh ITV Certificate which has just expired.
I took the car to the Granada ITV Test Station for its recertification and shock, horror, it failed.
Not too much of a surprise though, given that six months ago some drunken pillock redesigned the rear left hand corner and bu**ered off without leaving a note.. No witnesses, my insurance company dont want to know, Trafficos dont want to know.
I patched up the damage as best I could, but it wasnt enough for the ITV inspector. He wants a proper repair carried out and I have arranged this through a local garage.
The other fail point however came as a complete surprise…
The vehicle has a complete tow bar installation minus the ball hitch. It looks as if its been there since the year dot and looks like original equipment. The installation however is not listed on the vehicle permisso de conducir.
It passed the ITV test last time, (before I bought it), but the ITV chap is insistent upon its removal.
Does anyone out there know if this is standard original equipment?
Its no big deal to remove the towbar and indeed I have asked that the garage do so when doing the bodywork repairs.
I’m just curious to know how come it was OK the last time but not this…
Any Scenic owners out there?