Working in Spain within a 90 visit?
Posted: 16 July 2008 02:42 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2008-07-16

  I’m an American that would love to experience life in a different part of the world. I’m 22 soon to be 23 male Californian. My plan is to go and “visit” Spain for 90 days because thats how long I would be allowed without a Visa but because of the length of time I am considering, I would want to work and at least be able to have some sort of income to help out with expenses. So my questions is would I be able to get a job under those circumstances? Any help with my question or situation in general would be much appreciated.

Posted: 06 August 2008 11:12 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2008-08-06
echavez03 - 16 July 2008 02:42 AM

  I’m an American that would love to experience life in a different part of the world. I’m 22 soon to be 23 male Californian. My plan is to go and “visit” Spain for 90 days because thats how long I would be allowed without a Visa but because of the length of time I am considering, I would want to work and at least be able to have some sort of income to help out with expenses. So my questions is would I be able to get a job under those circumstances? Any help with my question or situation in general would be much appreciated.

I’m basically in the same situation.  I would like to be able to find work for a 90 day period while I “live” there.  Anyone know how difficult it is to find work without a VISA?  Thanks!
