graphic designer / print pre-press studio manager and badminton coach looking for work, other job offers welcome
Posted: 28 July 2008 12:41 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2008-07-28


I am a 29 year old male looking for a job I am very reliable and not shy of hard work, ideally in graphic design / prepress (i have 8 years experience), i am also a qualified badminton coach and have played at a high county level but am more than interested to hear of other offers.
Having spent the past 2 years renovating my house i am capable of doing decorating and plumbing etc but have had no formal training.
Ideal jobs would be within traveling distance of Torremanzanas about 45 mins from Benidorm.
If all else fails an helpful information about moving to spain would be very welcome.

Many thanks
