150 Cows on the streets of Madrid
Posted: 03 August 2008 04:27 PM  
Total Posts:  10
Joined  2008-07-13

For those who are looking for a good excuse to visit Madrid here’s one that beats all others. In September 150 Cows will invade the streets of Madrid, more specifically the Barrio de Salamanca. Not just any cows, but well travelled cows that have visited over 50 cities in the world and are now coming to stay until December. I for one am really looking forward to seeing these life size cows which are going to be dressed up and painted in funny outfits. For those who are not familiar with Barrio de Salamanca, it’s one of the most expensive areas of Madrid. It has a high population of elderly people so it should certainly light up their faces when they come accross a cow or two or 150 in the streets of Madrid! In May there will be a “paint a cow” contest which should be fun. At of the exhibition the cows will be auctioned off to raise money for a charity. Apparently amongst previous bidders and winners is the Queen of England! I wonder where she’s put her cow?

Bye for now!


