Expat newspaper jobs
Posted: 26 September 2008 06:16 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2008-09-26

Hello all.

I have been wondering about the quality and availability of work at expat newspapers in Spain. Has anyone here worked at one? What was it like?  How did you obtain the job? I have five years of experience as a reporter.

I am fluent in Spanish and have family members in Spain. The rub is that I am in the US, so it will be a lot harder for me to make it over there than for the UK denizens of this board.

Posted: 28 September 2008 01:13 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

lot off the media comapny here are feeling the pinch aswell as the usa tv/radio/print/internet have all see a sharp drop in there income , so it tight here
the company i work for let go staff this week and all new projects have been put on hold
most my work is cleaning up are computer systems here in spain ireland uk and sweden

and computers not my fourty , its brodcasting so i had to make the change aswell
next that have me in sales , not , its not happen

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