A bit of panic over my stress-free wedding in Spain
Posted: 02 January 2007 03:48 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2007-01-02

Now that I’ve gotten engaged, it’s time to plan the wedding.  My boyfriend and I would like a very simple, intimate wedding.  We’ve promised one another this would not be a stressful task. (I’ll pause for your laughter to stop.)
After reading your postings on getting married in Spain, I realize that I’ve really got to get moving on figuring out this mountain of paperwork everyone is talking about.  I’m from the U.S. and my boyfriend is a Spaniard.  So, first things first.  What paperwork and where can we find out this info?  Next, assuming we’re planning a Catholic ceremony (I am a non-Catholic Christian), does this make things more complicated?  Are the difficulties encountered by most people related to the fact that they are trying to have a CIVIL vs. a RELIGIOUS ceremony?  Is the “edicto” a legal document or just your announcement to family/friends?  Any words of advice from those who’ve gone through this process would be much appreciated!  Does anyone have any helpful internet resources you could direct me to?  Thank you in advance!
