UK Dr looking for work in Seville
Posted: 02 December 2008 09:14 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2008-12-02

H there, I am wondering if anyone has any advice regarding working in Spain (ideally Seville) as a Doctor (training post).
I qualified in the UK a couple of years ago and ideally would like to go and work there in 2 years time after I have gained my post-grad qualification (MRCP)... Will I still have to sit the MIR exam? also is there a a language exam at all?
I am not sure where jobs are advertised or quite where to look for advice about the system there. Ideally I would like to go a registrar equivalent level post. Also- is it possible to work part time post maternity leave.
I would appreciate very much any advice/comments etc.
