ready to move
Posted: 05 January 2009 02:57 AM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2009-01-05

Hi everyone and happy new year.

I’ve been dreaming of moving to spain for a while now but as usual let other things hold me back, i have just retired at the grand old age of 27 from professional football and feel close now to making the move.

I am a qualified football coach with plenty of experience with 5-16 year olds and wondered if anyone knew how possible it would be to get a job doing this and pass on my experience to younger players.

Also i am a qualified tiler and would be interested to hear from any other tradesmen on their experience of starting out self employed over there.

I know finding work over there is prob quite hard especially at the moment but thought i would ask anyway.

I speak quite good spanish so maybe that would help.

Any advice would be much appreciated.



Posted: 07 January 2009 08:20 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  18
Joined  2008-12-03

hi ,,in the part of spain where i am work was good and easy to come by,for a while,but now things have really died off accross the board, from building to catering and bar work,,i do however think that possibly in the building(particularily as more house will be made properly legal apparently), trade in my area things will most likely pick up,and qualified tilers are always looked for,and the pay was quite good for it too,but right now unless you know someone with a job to give you or you can ride it out for a bit,,forget it,,its hard everywhere at the moment…but good luck anyway…

Posted: 10 January 2009 02:02 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2009-01-05

cheers for the advice mark i had a feeling things would be faily quiet over there for the tiling. I’ve got a job interview for the footbal coaching. The job is in Majorca and starts in april for 6 months. So all going well if can get my foot in the door that way then i can weigh up the tiling and see about doing that after the coaching finishes.

Just need the job now!

Posted: 12 January 2009 11:21 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  18
Joined  2008-12-03

well all i can say is good luck to you ,hopefully you wont need to do the tiling,as the spanish are fanatical about their football,hopefully there will be plenty for you to do with that but as i said good luck to you and i hope it all works out well ,,,,m…
