Help needed regarding obtaining ability to work for an Australian
Posted: 09 January 2009 07:28 PM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2009-01-09

Hi guys

Im really stumped getting a straight answer from anyone about how I go about getting legitimacy to work in barcelona.
Ive been here about 5 days, my spanish is not great but its getting better
Basically I want to stay here for a few months and get a job
I did some research and saw that i need to get an NIE, so i went to the police station at 9am this morning to do that and the guy there said i need a residence card… now i read that this can take up to 2-3 months to apply for??
bleh im so lost… please help!

Posted: 01 May 2009 10:14 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2009-03-05

Hi mjryan

I am in a similar situation - I’m an Australian citizen and am working getting a visa to work here.  The best (only) route seems to be to get a job offer and work contract from the employer, then apply for your visa.  The visas section of SpainExpat website provides the details of what you need.  The emplyer needs to have the job approved for a foreigner first, which seems to be a little complex, then aparently return to Australia to apply for the visa.  I’m not holding my breath and waiting for an employer to offer me a job along with all of the related expenses of returning to Australia!

I am still in the process of researching this so will post more details as I know them - it would be helpful if you could too.  Also, I am trying to find other Aussies that have been through this process to see how long it takes and how much it costs, it would be good to know now what I’m up for..

Good luck!

Posted: 01 May 2009 10:43 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

If you look at other posts “Visas” There is plenty posted with the same answer…

In Feb 09 this year by Royal Decree The Spanish Government have “Suspended” work Visas/Permits for outside eu Citizens.
Unless you meet “VERY VERY STRICT CRIETIERA”  one example is that you have a “Job Skill” That none of the 4.4 Million Unemployed That here in Spain cannot do… “Standing on your head for 4 hours does not count” as we have plenty of them in “La Ramblas”

Sorry ?La Crisis? so on so fourth.
