Age of consent in Spanish Law.
Posted: 10 January 2009 08:28 PM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2009-01-10


I am a British citizen and have just seen a wikipedia article regarding the age of consent laws of the world and differences towards marriage and sex in cultures.

In the said article it stated that the age of consent in the Spain for sexual activity is 13.

Is this true ?

Again I am not one to be judging the legal and social customs of a foreign nation. I am just rather stunned as the age of consent in the UK is 16.

If I could get an answer to this it would be great as I don?t want to go about with any wrong idea’s on the way Spanish people govern themselves.

Thanks ! 

P.S I can only read English.

Posted: 10 January 2009 08:38 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

well kids are more open here in spain , the good weather have them out doors alot , ( well not in this cold patch ) i did think it was at the age off 16 ha kids here drink but would out and up front here , as in few mums and dads i know here there kids would get wine at the dinner thought there under 18 , and would talk more to them , sex is not a tobo subjuct here i know iwas 16 when it happen , god do i rember her well , ha ha ha , i am single here and love the free life , well i know one girls that love to change that on me , she fine it very hard to nail me down , to me if i had kids i would wish that if thay did take part that be safe

Posted: 10 January 2009 08:58 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2009-01-10

I must admit the British and sex dont get on well and if so its rather apolgeticaly as a Dutch nurse once said to me ‘’ I dont know how there is a population on this island ‘’ lol

So the age is 13 it seems so cause on this wikki artical it says so (there for it must be lol)

The age of consent in Spain is 13, as specified by the Spanish Penal Code, Article 181(2). However, if deceit is used in gaining the consent of a minor under 16 years an individual can be charged under Article 183(1) upon parental complaint.

“181(1) El que, interviniendo enga?o, cometiere abuso sexual con persona mayor de trece a?os y menor de diecis?is, ser? castigado con la pena de prisi?n de uno a dos a?os, o multa de doce a veinticuatro meses.
(Approximate translation: An individual who, by use of deceit, commits sexual abuse with a person over thirteen years and under sixteen years, will be punished with imprisonment for one or two years, or a fine equivalent to twelve to twenty-four months…)
(2) A los efectos del apartado anterior, se consideran abusos sexuales no consentidos los que se ejecuten sobre menores de trece a?os, sobre personas que se hallen privadas de sentido o de cuyo trastorno mental se abusare.”
(Approximate translation: To the effects of the previous section, it is considered unconsenting sexual abuse those that are committed against persons under thirteen years, unconscious persons or persons whose mental illness is taken advantage of….)”

[edit] History
Homosexual acts had been legal in Spain from 1822 to 1933, (with the exception of the offence of ?habitual homosexual acts” in the years 1928-32) and even not specifically mentioned there, some homosexuals where arrested under the “Ley de Vagos y Maleantes” (Law against the Lazy and common deliquents) during the 2nd Spanish republic. Homosexual acts were illegal during Francisco Franco’s regime, which created a specific law against them (Ley de Peligrosidad Social). A new Criminal Code was introduced in 1995 which specified an age of consent of 12 under Article 181f for all sexual acts; and this was raised to 13 in 1999.
