Does anyone know Cost Of Renting, Living in Gibraltar?
Posted: 20 April 2009 04:33 PM  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

Hi All

I am Looking to move from my Job… and there is alot of work in Gibraltar.

People that have spoken to say its a Dive. Small Expensive & Very Boring…

I looked for renting… And Yeap its like ?1000 for 42sqm Flat.

So does anyone have any experiences in Gibraltar?

Or Info?

Cheers Mac

PS… I Live In Tarragona so I am An Expat!

Posted: 21 April 2009 02:44 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2008-05-10

hi try kyero sure you will find something cheaper gibraltor is mini england wouldnt live there moved to spain for spain good luck

MAC31 - 20 April 2009 04:33 PM

Hi All

I am Looking to move from my Job… and there is alot of work in Gibraltar.

People that have spoken to say its a Dive. Small Expensive & Very Boring…

I looked for renting… And Yeap its like ?1000 for 42sqm Flat.

So does anyone have any experiences in Gibraltar?

Or Info?

Cheers Mac

PS… I Live In Tarragona so I am An Expat!

Posted: 21 April 2009 02:52 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  74
Joined  2008-07-30

Try - you can pick up their magazine at Gibraltar airport (and presumably other places as well).

Gibraltar is expensive because of the tax regime - if you’ve got quite a bit of cash, domiciling yourself in Gibraltar can significantly cut you tax bill. One of the conditions to achieve this tax status is to buy or rent a property in Gibraltar which has the effect of driving up prices. Have you thought about living somewhere between Algerciras and Manilva and commuting? I haven’t done it myself, but I would think the quality of life in Spain would be much better with more open space, nicer beaches…



Cheap international calls from Spanish landlines and mobiles

Posted: 21 April 2009 03:19 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12


Well I am never going to leave Spain Like I say in all my posts I am never going to leave My roots are rooted!
I was told yesterday that I be one of the 7000 people to go In my work…

So as Spain IT Work has now nearly Dried up… My employer told me to Look at Gibraltar So There is couple of things lined up..


If I Work In Gibraltar They pay health care there and not in Spain…

There is a lot of pros and cons Fine I will get money from my Employer when I leave In August But As much the nest egg is worth I do not want to live off of it and I certainly do not want to Sit at home like A veg!...

So I am not sure ...

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