Ferry Advice?
Posted: 26 April 2009 01:50 AM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2009-04-18

Hi. Planning to load up a one-way van hire full of house stuff (clothes, furniture, etc.) and take the ferry from Portsmouth to Santander, then drive to the new house south of Granada. Load up 2 of my kids (8 & 5) for the ‘adventure’. Anyone have any experiences to give me any advice? As a Canadian passport holder (kids & wife are Brits), am I going to get any grief showing up at the port in Santander with a load of stuff and a big wide grin? Any advice appreciated.



Posted: 26 April 2009 02:16 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

Do you have any sort of British Citizenship?

If not as A Canadian you need a Travel Visa / Residence Visa.

I would not advise for you to just jump in a Van and go especially with a young family…

They could detain you if you have a really big grin 😊
