Which areas are good for meeting an English speaking community?
Posted: 04 May 2009 05:24 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2009-05-04

Hi all!

I’m going to Madrid in Aug / Sept time to take part in Vaughantown, I meet my group in Madrid then the program takes place in the city of Zamora.  I’d like to teach English with this company on a more permanent basis, and if my 10day experience goes well this summer I hope to move out permanently around March time next year (2010) - providing the accept me that is!!

I would like to work in their university program which gives you the opportunity to work in one of various cities in Spain.  From what I have researched Vigo and Santa Cruz de Tenerife kind of appeal most to me - or possibly Madrid itself, although I do prefer the coast if I’m honest!
However, if I get a place / job I’d like to chose somewhere where it would be easy to make friends, people who speak English as my spanish is only basic at the moment - but I hope to improve!  I myself am from Northern Ireland and would love to meet fellow Irish people or English/Scottish/Welsh etc
Would there be much of an expat community in any of these places and how would you go about meeting people?

Any thoughts, ideas or advice anyone has is very welcome 😊

Posted: 04 May 2009 02:54 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  303
Joined  2006-03-16

Hi, Vigo doesn’t have much of an ex-pat community - I’d say that’s part of its appeal but it may not be what you’re looking for.  Also in Vigo many people speak Gallego rather than (or as well as) Castilian. Gallego is like Portuguese and may confuse you when you’re working on your Spanish. On the other hand, it’s a lovely place.  Don’t know anything about Santa Cruz, sorry.


Martin, Scotland and the Alpujarra.  http://www.casasierra.blogspot.com
