Alloy wheels/Antiques in Spain? to do or not to do?????
Posted: 05 May 2009 05:07 PM  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2009-05-05

HI all

Im new to the site and would like some information…. well quite a bit of information and advice, so all comments and advice would be kindly appreciated

I like many British people would love to start a New life abroad, in the sun!

From what I have been reading from other people is that there is obviously alot of concern regarding income etc…

I would preferably like to start a small business selling used/new alloy wheels or Antiques and maybe offer a courier/delivery service.

Any idea if this would be a viable business to start and any idea of areas???

Also if anybody would like to get involved or anything constructive

I would be commuting to and from Britain regularly to get more stock so I couldnt do it all on my own. Is it fairly straight forward to employ someone?

I understand that we are in a great recession and probably get worse, but Id rather give it a go in the sun and be abit happier that stuck in Dull, gloomy, Blighty!!

Any comments/advice would be kindly appreciated

Tally Ho!
