Rules for bringing cats to Spain
Posted: 10 May 2009 06:47 PM  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2007-10-30

Can anybody clarify the rules regarding bringing pets into Spain as I seem to get conflicting advice on different web sites and from my vet.

We are bringing our five cats with us to Spain, am I correct in thinking that they only need a certificate to show that they have been vaccinated against rabies, that they have a functioning microchip and that they are in good health, and they don’t need a passport unless we intend to bring them back to the UK.

How long does the certificate last once it has been signed by my vet?

Only one cat might possibly need a passport.  Can I have his initial rabies shots done in the UK and the bloodtest for the passport done in Spain if we should need him to travel with us to the UK?

Also, once we are there, what other vaccinations will they need?


