Hi all, as some of you will have seen were moving over on the 1st June. I work via the internet and I need a secure connection to be able to earn a living. My new Landlords have told me that the neighbours have internet which is a weight off my mind, however I can’t help wondering about the speed they have as its quite a rural area.
I host webcam conferences and need to be able to send live video, I don’t need to receive it and delay is ok as long as it isn’t jumpy. Does anyone know what the coverage is like in Pedralba, Valencia?
Also does anyone know which company would be my best shot? I’ve heard some stuff about WiMax but have no idea what it is or how to go about getting it. I want to call Telefonica to see where we stand but with the language barrier I think I’ll be on the phone a long time and without topping my mobile up by ?50 it could cause a few problems.
Thanks guys
Emma & Luke