need advice on shipping company and driving van from London to Madrid
Posted: 23 May 2009 08:58 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2009-05-23

Hi all,
we’re planning to move end of July to El Escorial(Madrid), I know recession and all it’s not the best moment, my partner will hopefully get work as english teacher and I will see what I can get (have got 2 small kids). We’re thinking sending some boxes down with shipping company and drive a van with musical equipment and furniture from London to Madrid. Anyone knows if you can rent a van in England and leave in Spain (with some international company?). Any experience with good and cheap shipping company? Any comments and advice very wellcome, especially if someone has done the same trip and can advice on best route.

Posted: 21 June 2009 06:26 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2009-06-21

Hi, i’m afraid i can’t help with companies and such, i’m just writing to say that if on the off chance you have any spare room in your van i have a much missed keyboard in london and would reimburse you whatever you thought was fair if you could bring it, could be taken to your starting point in london…. Good luck with the move, and let me know if you might be able to help, Thanks very mcuh
