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What does autonomo status entitle me to?
Posted: 09 January 2009 02:54 AM   [ # 16 ]  
Total Posts:  7
Joined  2009-01-06
Fruity - 14 April 2008 06:54 PM

You are right Just Landed, the NIE is now an A4 sized piece of paper with your details on it and a number something like X-0000000-V (for example). This NIE is for all foreigners and yes you would need it if you buying property. Everybody in Spain has to pay what they call “Wealth Tax” whether you work here or live here full/part time, however, the Spanish struggle to keep up with this tax and generally people don’t pay it, although it is a requirement by law, if they catch up with you, they can legally charge you the previous 5 years (but no more)

Hi there. Will this Wealth Tax be sufficient to grant me unemployment benefit in Spain?

I was working in Gibraltar until October, and the Gibraltar Soc. Sec. Office sent me to the Spain equivalent c/w a E301 form detailing my employment details.

I appeared to have been rubber-stamped and told I’ll be receiving support, after producing also my enpadrionimento (sp?), salary slips and NIE but await my first income support this coming week, after eight weeks wait.

I’m naturally anxious still until my first payment is actually received.

Thank you in advance for any responses.

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